

Trinity Church 

You are welcome!

We are in flux as we prepare for the next union on the 21st of November at 7pm joining with our sister church St David's Knightswood.
Watch this space for more details.

Knightswood Anniesland Trinity church has now been in existence for over 2 years,  after the joining together of two congregations Knightswood St Margaret’s and Temple Anniesland church on 1st January 2022. St David’s church in Knightswood is joining us in October 2024, and we look forward to welcoming a trinity of former congregations, now working together as one. As the people of  God, we want to be a faithful and loving Christian community in this part of the city, reaching out to others with the love of Christ.

I am so grateful for everyone for their willingness to help and to go the extra mile, as people get to know each other, and as we continue to form new teams so we can learn more about our Christian faith, and share this with others.

Welcome to our website! We hope to give you as much information as possible about what is going on, but we are also very much a work in progress. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

 Our Church Vision
1. To receive God’s love and to share it with others,
2. Convictions about our orthodox faith in the incarnate and Risen Jesus Christ,
3. To look after everyone in the church family and community by getting to know one another by listening and showing patience and care.,
4. A desire that our church family be a place of acceptance, belonging and healing,
5. To build trained teams to assist in future ministry and outreach,  
6. A desire to be intergenerational, and for each age group to be cared for and to learn from each other,
7. To support our frailer members, and also our children and families;
8. A desire to be open to learn more about our Christian faith through prayer and Bible study,
9. Where we have different opinions, to seek to be respectful of other viewpoints,
10. To be creative in our ways of connecting with God, and deepening our faith through, for example, spiritual retreats, contemplative prayer, art etc.,
11. To share our faith with others in the community in relevant, loving and innovative ways.

We are thankful to God in this time of change, for His faithfulness. There are so many challenges everywhere just now, and especially with price rises, climate change and the war in the Ukraine. We just don’t know what we are facing next.Thanksgiving, Grace and inspiration - our message!

     “ Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 

1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

Yet in the midst of all this, we are thankful that God’s love and goodness are unchanging. Throughout the bible, we see that every person is precious to God, and that He cares about justice and about all who suffer. We pray for our world, and support many organisations like Christian Aid, Tearfund, Blythswood Trust, the Bible Society and Christian Solidarity Worldwide, that seek to make a difference. Locally in Glasgow, we support the Lodging House Mission and various local charities that seek to serve people in our community.

We have agreed to a vision about what we seek to be as a Christian community,

And are thankful for this vision to aspire to!

     “ For it is by grace that you have been saved, not from yourself: it is the gift of God.”  Ephesians 2:8

Grace.  We are all here but by the grace of God, and Jesus, gives us strength to find a way forward, and guiding us by His holy spirit. God’s grace to us invites us to explore the meaning of His love and mercy to us. We seek to deepen our faith through worship, bible study group, prayer, Alpha courses, retreats, book group, mid weeks services, as well as through social events and gatherings. In the present, we want to be a supportive gathering, with Jesus’ teaching at the heart of what we do. We make mistakes, but hope to be able to forgive and work things through together.

         “ the spirit gives life.” 2 Corinthians 3:6

The spirit bringing inspiration.

In the present and the future, we desire to be guided by the holy spirit. We pray for healing from past wounds, and inspiration to build for the future, to see the people of God encouraged and supported.

Currently there is uncertainty about our buildings, and we are praying for discernment. We have agreed that at least one of three buildings will be closed, but it is not so much a question of closing a building or buildings, but about what we can adapt, and make fit for purpose for the next generation.

Our Faith is as relevant now as it ever was, bringing solace and comfort when we are struggling, and guidance in difficult days, and inspiration as to what God might make possible in our midst. And so we continue to work together, to find inspiration to share Christ’s love in this area of our city.