Knightswood Anniesland Trinity Church worships in both of our buildings on a monthly rotation.

Sunday worship is at 11:00am and everyone is welcome.
Children and young people are welcome to join our sunday club which meets in the hall
after a short time in worship with the rest of the congregation.

There is an opportunity for fellowship and tea and coffee after the service.
We have a loop system for hearing impairment and both buildings are accessibility friendly.

Scroll down for a link to our minister's latest reflective video.


                                             Each Sunday in May worship will be held in the Knightswood building.


2022 May 08 za

 Each Sunday in June worship will be held in the Anniesland building


                                                                              Services start at 11am each Sunday:

Our worship services are also available on zoom
ID 97170107502, passcode 241564, or phone 02034815240 using, ID 97170107502, passcode 241564




Our Thursday morning worship service is in the Anniesland Building at 11:00am each week.
Please note the last Thursday service before the Summer break is on the 20th of June 2024
It will restart on Thursday the 5th of September 2024

We look forward to meeting for Worship.



Click on the image below to view our Minister's latest reflective video

Fiona 2



Click on the pictures below for information on Sunday Club and Messy Church


sunday club sign Copy

Sunday Club