Knightswood Anniesland Trinity Church 
Sunday worship is at 11:00am and everyone is welcome.

Children and young people are welcome to join our sunday club which meets in the hall
after a short time in worship with the rest of the congregation.

There is an opportunity for fellowship and tea and coffee after the service.
We have a loop system for hearing impairment and are accessibility friendly.

Following the decision of presbytery at the meeting in September 2024
worship will be held in the Anniesland building.


Services start at 11am each Sunday:

Our Sunday worship services are also available on zoom

ID 96320328757

passcode 838530

or phone 02034815240

ID 96320328757

passcode 838530



Our Thursday morning worship service is on at 11:00am each week
in the Anniesland building.

We look forward to meeting for Worship.





We have two church cafes
one on a Tuesday morning the other on a Friday afternoon
see below for details

Our friendship cafe

meets in our Knightswood building on Tuesday mornings from 10am-11:30am.

All are welcome here for tea/coffee toast, biscuits etc and chat.

We really look forward to seeing you there as it is a great way to meet people, make new friends and catch up with ‘older’ ones.

Every so often we have ‘special’ event's

In the meantime stay safe and we look forward to welcoming you at the café whenever you can manage along.

Our Annie's place cafe

is held in our Anniesland building on Friday afternoon from 1pm-3pm.
There is always a warm welcome and space to relax and chat with friends old and new.

We have different optional activities each week including community singing with Jane, quizzes, crafts and special events.
Everyone is welcome

see our current programme below

Annies cafe programme Dec24 Mar25

Some photos from our cafe's

Our Queens Platinum Jubilee morning at the friendship cafe.

  friendship cafe jubilee 3   friendship cafe jubilee 1  friendship cafe jubilee 2 

                                                      friendship cafe jubilee 4    friendship cafe jubilee 5   friendship cafe jubilee 6


Our volunteer team  at Annies place         
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The Partick pluckers playing at Annie's cafe
with an extra member joining us for the afternoon.

partick pluckers 1   partick pluckers 2

Line dancing at  Annie's place with Elizabeth, Catherine Ann, and Cathy  
there was lots of laughter.

   annies line dancing 1   annies line dancing 5  annies line dancing 4
annies line dancing 2

                                                                                         Crafts At Annie's place

     Annies craft 3  Annies craft 5   Annies craft 4  Annies craft 2  Annies craft 1


 Christmas sing along at Annie's place cafe December 2023
with pupils from the High school of Glasgow


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Weekly bible study

We meet on Mondays from 1:45pm-2:45pm
in the new hall in the Anniesland building.
Please use the car park entrance
We are having a break
over the Christmas period
and will restart on
Monday the 20th of January 2025

All welcome






Weekly Prayer Time on Zoom

Tuesday 7:30pm-8:30pm
We meet on zoom for prayer time together
The access details are 
ID 917 4912 1179
passcode 295152

All welcome


pray 2558490 1920

Upcoming retreat day

Saturday 22nd of February 2025



"Practicing Hope"

a retreat day led by Sharon Garlough Brown
author of the sensible shoes series
come along to explore how we can practice hope in the midst of waiting and loss.
Join us as we keep company with Jesus, our Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief.

To register a place and for more information 
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,uk






June 2024 retreat day

We welcomed back Sharon Garlough Brown author of Sensible shoes to lead a retreat for us.
It was an opportunity to take time to still ourselves, explore scripture together 
and reflect. We also had the chance to chat and share ideas over lunch.  

Sharon 2




September 2023 retreat day 

   In September 2023 we had a retreat day led by Sharon Garlough Brown the author of "Sensible Shoes".
It was a wonderful day of prayer, contemplation, stillness and reflection. With a chance to chat over lunch.

We hope to welcome Sharon back in the future.

           sharon picture                      sensible shoes



March 2022

In March 2022 we had a retreat day at the Bield Blackruthven in Perth. 
It was a lovely relaxing day with prayers in the chapel, walking in the beautiful grounds, using the swimming pool and art room. 
We also shared a delicious lunch. 

Bield 2022 fIMG_9575.jpgIMG 9619Bield 2022 g


Our Discipleship Group

Meets in the St David's building
on alternate Thursdays
from 3:30pm-5:00pm
for more information email
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Farewell organ concert





Upcoming retreat day

Saturday 22nd of February 2025



"Practicing Hope"

a retreat day led by Sharon Garlough Brown
author of the sensible shoes series

come along to explore how we can practice hope in the midst of waiting and loss.
Join us as we keep company with Jesus, our Man of Sorrows, acquainted with grief.

To register a place and for more information 
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,uk






Cafe Church

The next dates for cafe church are

Sunday the 16th of February
Sunday the 16th of March
Sunday the 13th of April
Sunday the 18th of May
at 6:30pm in the Anniesland building

it is an informal form of worship including bible verses, music and prayer.

over tea, coffee and biscuits.

For more information please 
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.






For the attention of Elders

The next Kirk Session meeting will be on 
Wednesday the 5th of March 2025
at 7:30pm 
in the Anniesland building.

meeting notes















At the Knightswood building



Tai Chi 5:30pm 




Guides 7:00 pm



Rainbows 6:30pm 

Rock Choir 7:30pm 


At the Anniesland building


Rainbows 6:15-7:15pm



Buggy brigade toddlers group 9:30-11:30am

Brownies 6:30-8pm

Guides 6:30-8pm



Circle dancing and music from around the world 11am-1pm

Boys brigade from 6:30pm


Buggy brigade toddlers group 9:30-11:30am



Slimming world 8am&9:30am

Taekwondo 10am-1pm