Our church team works together to create a warm and welcoming place.
We have been blessed with many students and probationers and we continue to pray for them.
Our Church Vision
- To receive God’s love and to share it with others,
- Convictions about our orthodox faith in the incarnate and Risen Jesus Christ,
- To look after everyone in the church family and community by getting to know one another by listening and showing patience and care,
- A desire that our church family be a place of acceptance, belonging and healing,
- To build trained teams to assist in future ministry and outreach,
- A desire to be intergenerational, and for each age group to be cared for and to learn from each other,
- To support our frailer members, and also our children and families,
- A desire to be open to learn more about our Christian faith through prayer and bible study,
- Where we have different opinions, to seek to be respectful of other viewpoints,
- To be creative in our ways of connecting with God, and deepening our faith through, for example spiritual retreats, contemplative prayer, art etc.
- To share our faith with others in the community in relevant, loving and innovative ways.
Baptisms, weddings and bereavement
The Church of Scotland operates on a parish system - that means that each church is responsible for providing pastoral support for key events such as baptisms, marriage and bereavement in the life of people living in the local parish.
For enquiries please contact our interim moderator Rev Stuart Matthews email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone 07792919045
Baptisms/ blessings
Baptism is a sacrament for children and adults. For adults, they make vows of commitment to Jesus Christ. For babies and small children, the parents make certain promises on behalf of their children. A parent or grandparent needs to have a Christian faith or be a church member in order to be able to make these vows. Baptisms normally take place during worship on a Sunday morning.
Sometimes, parents feel unable to make the vows of baptism, but would still like a service of thanksgiving and blessing for their child, and this too can be discussed.
Christian marriage
When a couple come to the point where they want to find out more about Christian marriage, they can approach the minister of the parish in which they live. The minister can help the couple prepare for their wedding day, and for their married life together. If you live in our parish area our minister would be pleased to talk with you about your marriage.
Bereavement and funeral services
When a loved one is unwell, anyone within the parish can contact the parish minister for support. Through its parish system, the Church of Scotland seeks to serve all. Please direct enquiries to our interim moderator Rev Stuart Matthews,
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or phone 07792919045 or in the case of a funeral, also through the undertakers.
There are no charges for the minister's time at funeral services or otherwise, but you may be asked to contribute towards heating and lighting, organist's fee etc. If you have any further questions, please get in touch.
Family and youth worker Louise Reid
I have been a member at Temple Anniesland church since 2014 here I have found a welcoming supportive place to continue my own faith journey. I wish to share the love, joy, hope and peace Christ brings to my daily life with others.
I have always enjoyed working with children and young people whether in my paediatric nursing career or the various arts and crafts groups I have been involved with. This has led me to the position of family and youth worker.
Through Sunday club, Messy church and Holiday clubs I enjoy building relationships with young people and their families, helping them establish and strengthen their relationship with God. In the future I want to further develop creative ways to engage with young people, offer support to families and build new and stronger relationships with those who access our church and those in our parish.
You can contact Louise by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you are interested in joining the church or would just like to know more about the Christian faith, Our Interim Moderator Rev Stuart Matthews can be contacted by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. phone 07792919045. He is happy to discuss if you would like to know more or for pastoral conversations.
The Church of Scotland’s membership vows are:
Believing in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and confessing Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord:
Do you promise to join regularly with your fellow Christians in worship on the Lord’s Day?
Do you promise to be faithful in reading the Bible and in prayer?
Do you promise to give a fitting proportion of your time, talents and money for the Church’s work in the world?
Do you promise, depending on the grace of God, to profess publicly your loyalty to Jesus Christ, to serve him in your daily work, and to walk in his ways all the days of your life?
After a long process of meetings, discussions and voting the congregations of the former Knightswood St Margaret’s and Temple Anniesland Churches joined in a union on the 27th of January 2022 with a service of Union held at our Knightswood building.
St David's church Knightswood also took part in the process and became part of the Knightswood Anniesland Trinity church with a service of union on the 21st of November 2024.
We continue to work hard together to get to know each other, to share our strengths, and to build a stronger, loving, creative Christian community. A place where all are welcome and together we can explore our faith and share God’s love with others.
Click on images to view more pictures
Our Messy Church in May really lived up to its name. We had lots of fun learning about Jesus living water. We made kinetic sand, and used water to treansform our drawings.
Annie's place sing along
Christian aid lunch 2022
Easter Sunday early morning service in Knightswood Park 2024 followed by breakfast at St David's church
Visit to the Bield Retreat, Blackruthven, March 2022