Knightswood Anniesland Trinity Church News
Congregational meeting
On the 11th of December at 7:30pm in the Anniesland building
there is a presentation of the Interim Ministry Scheme
by Darren Golby (Ministries development Manager with Faith Action).
Grant Barclay Presbytery Clerk will chair the meeting and field questions.
This will be followed by a vote on the proposal.
There is more detail in the current Church magazine
that can be found in the resources section of this website.
Or contact Rev Stuart Matthews our Interim Moderator
email on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please note a change of zoom access details
for Sunday Worship
the new zoom access are
ID 96320328757
passcode 838530
or phone 02034815240
ID 96320328757
passcode 838530
Dates for the diary
Come and Join us to Celebrate this festive season
Held in the Anniesland building unless otherwise stated
Saturday 30th November 10am-12 noon Youth development team
Christmas Fair Anniesland building
Saturday 30th November 10am-12 noon 242 Guides coffee morning
St Margaret’s building
Sunday 1st December 11am Worship 1st Sunday in Advent
The sacrament communion will be celebrated
Saturday 7th December 12-2pm242 Brownies festive event
St David’s building 66 Borland drive G13 3DX
Sunday 8th December 11am Worship
2nd Sunday in Advent
Monday 9th December 7-9pm 207th Guides coffee cake and carols
St David’s building 66 Borland drive G13 3DX
Saturday 14th December 1-30-4:30pm Christmas party
St David’s building 66 Borland drive G13 3DX (Tickets available)
Sunday 15th December 11am Worship
3rd Sunday in advent service
Sunday 15th December Community Carol Service 3pm
Sunday 15th December Café Church 6:30pm-7:30pm
Saturday 21st December Messy church 4pm-6pm
(Messy Church all age fun, food, crafts and stories)
Sunday 22nd December 11am Nativity all age service
4th Sunday in Advent
Tuesday 24th December 7pm Christingle all age service
Tuesday 24th December 11:30pm Watchnight service
Carol singing from 11:15pm
Wednesday 25th December 11am Family Christmas service
Celebrating the birth of Jesus
Friday 27th December Twixmas Lunch
see Evelyn Geehan for tickets
Sunday 29th December 11am Worship
Our Cafe Church
Our next cafe church is on
Sunday 15th of December,
at 6:30pm in the Anniesland building
it is an informal form of worship including bible verses, music and prayer.
over tea, coffee and biscuits.
For more information please
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.